The next lesson in the baritone ukulele course is ready:
Everything Baritone: Dynamic strumming. We’ll learn a really simple but special strumming technique that works especially well on baritone ukulele. I’ll show you how you can alter it to create a really dynamic sound and we’ll also learn a fingerpicking part and apply it all to Lewis Capaldi’s Someone You Loved.
I'm super proud to say that my website now contains 8 structured and sequential ukulele courses covering everything you need to know to become and ace ukulele player (and have heaps of fun learning!):
Take Off! Beginners Ukulele
Beyond Beginners: Intermediate Ukulele
Escape The Plateau: Ukulele Next Steps
Fingerstyle Ukulele
Uke Theory
Playing Up The Dusty End
Everything Baritone Ukulele
You can subscribe and have access to all this PLUS weekly live ukulele jams, fortnightly live lessons, worksheets at no extra cost, my priority email for any questions (your own personal uke tutor!) and much more all for just £10 per month.
Hi Matt -
Absolutely loved your "Introduction to Baritone" !!
Thank you very much indeed.
I've now gone through all the videos voraciously, learned a great deal and looking for more !!
I know you're a busy man but I'm still hungry !! When do you think you'll be expanding the menu on the baritone course ??
Also I thought I'd write to let you know of a few observations.
You probably know this already and if so, please forgive me - but on the 'Dynamic Strumming' video there are two mistakes, I think.
At 6'20" the graphic for F is reversed - the viewer sees it as if it's in a mirror with 0-1-0-2 being shown instead of 2-0-1-0
Hi Matt. May be a numpty question. How do I get at the lessons. Specifically the baritone course. Go into my account see list of lessons, with downloads, but can’t open the lesson. Am I missing something. Using iPad mainly. Cheers Chris